Already in love?So so in love with him?Love him because of his kind heart?Until one day u realize dat he is hot-tempered person...Alwiz have fight wif him about sumthing...when he calms down n he realize how horrible he has been, finally u forgive him rite?n u wish n u believe dat one day he will eventually change..Gurl,wakes up n stop dreaming!plz remember diz..PERSON CAN RARELY CHANGE HIS CHARACTER.
If he is hot-tempered,impatient n emotionally or physically abusive now,u will hv 2 suffer his attitude 4 as long as da relationship lasts.juz becoz u r so in luv wif him,so u can forgive his harsh words bcoz u think dat he will change 4 u..so u forgive him again n again,making excuses n even taking da blame 4 his mean n nasty behaviour towards u..
When luv hurts,it is degrading n belittling.it will soon whittle down ur pride n dignity as a woman,making u feel useless n unlovable..
Act, how can a man be kind if he screams sharp words at u all da time??diz man DOES NOT APPRECIATE YOUR LOVE n has little tenderness in him.he enjoys da power over u, da gurl who is alwiz willing n obliging..
So,wat r u waiting 4?juz break up wif him!it will not kill u 2 break up wif a man who causes such havoc in ur heart n ur mind..if he is da one 4 u, he should be encouraging u in everything u do wif love n understanding..so,why hang on to heartache when u hv so many bright wonderful opportunities 4 da future?give urself da chance 2 meet a few more fellows b4 u decide on da love of ur life..dear..everything will be ok..=)
If he is hot-tempered,impatient n emotionally or physically abusive now,u will hv 2 suffer his attitude 4 as long as da relationship lasts.juz becoz u r so in luv wif him,so u can forgive his harsh words bcoz u think dat he will change 4 u..so u forgive him again n again,making excuses n even taking da blame 4 his mean n nasty behaviour towards u..
When luv hurts,it is degrading n belittling.it will soon whittle down ur pride n dignity as a woman,making u feel useless n unlovable..
Act, how can a man be kind if he screams sharp words at u all da time??diz man DOES NOT APPRECIATE YOUR LOVE n has little tenderness in him.he enjoys da power over u, da gurl who is alwiz willing n obliging..
So,wat r u waiting 4?juz break up wif him!it will not kill u 2 break up wif a man who causes such havoc in ur heart n ur mind..if he is da one 4 u, he should be encouraging u in everything u do wif love n understanding..so,why hang on to heartache when u hv so many bright wonderful opportunities 4 da future?give urself da chance 2 meet a few more fellows b4 u decide on da love of ur life..dear..everything will be ok..=)
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